The tenth edition of epiSTEME will be held from January 3 - 6, 2025 at HBCSE. This is also our flagship event in the HBCSE 50-year anniversary celebrations.
The epiSTEME conference series is a biennial international event to review research on science, technology, and mathematics education (STME), hosted by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), a National Centre of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR). Initiated in 2004, the primary aim of the conference is to nurture and promote scholarship in STME research, which is still a nascent area in India. epiSTEME is the flagship conference in STME research in India, an area that holds great potential for the country, owing to our significant student and teacher populations and their changing aspirations. The conference, by bringing together leading researchers from across the globe, plays an important role in strengthening the field in our country. It is unique in the way it addresses multidisciplinary issues related to the teaching and learning of science, technology, and mathematics. Details of the past nine editions of the conference are available at
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR) is located at the northern end of the island city of Mumbai. Known earlier as Bombay, Mumbai is India's most cosmopolitan city, finance and business capital and home of the entertainment industry, popularly known as Bollywood. Mumbai is a vibrant, pulsating metropolis, which affords diverse sightseeing opportunities. We expect to accommodate most conference participants on the HBCSE Campus, which is also the venue for the conference.